Thursday, May 26, 2016

Web 2.0 Tools

   In today's world, the use of technology allows people from different countries interact through the use of  different web sites. According to Wikipedia, Web 2.0 tools describe World Wide Web sites that allow users to interact to each other in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a virtual community. There are too many  Web 2.0 tools that can be use in the education field, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Google docs, Prezi, Diigo, Voice thread, Gloster, Storybird, Popplet, among others.
      It is true that integrate Web 2.0 tools in classroom is not something easy or fast to learn because it requires practice from teachers and students to become familiar and make better use of those. In addition, any web tool used in the education field needs to have the objective to expand the knowledge and skills of  educators and students (users). As a student, I have had the opportunity to use some Web 2.0 tools in my classes at NLU, for example, Google Docs, Google Earth, Blogger, Twitter, Goodreads, Diigo and Survey Monkey. The integration of these digital learning tools has helped me to be more updated and acquire new skills for my next classes and for my workplace.
     In the Children's Literature and The Literacy Learning Environment class I had to use the web tool  Goodreads. Goodreads is a social website where "booklovers" post, rate, comment, recommend and review any book. Also, users can select their own shelves and discuss with other users about the different books' genres.  Some of the advantages of using this Goodreads include that user can keep track of the books read, users can share their reviews, opinions, summarizes, thoughts of any book with others in order to expand their critical thinking. In addition, this tool can help users to make the reading a habit in their lives.
        I consider that a constraint when using this tool may be that users can feel influenced when selecting new books by the positive or negative comments of other users,  instead of they have their own initiative.
    My personal experience using this tool has helped me to know different genres of books, and have a deeper understanding about the meaning of the stories I read before rate and  review them in this social network. I consider that Web 2.0 tools are important in classrooms because all users can interact, collaborate, share opinions and create new information.    

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What is the meaning of technology "affordances" and "constraints" in terms of education?

What is the meaning of technology "affordances" and "constraints" in terms of education?

         Every day, more academic institutions are integrating technology into their classrooms. Schools have been changing their traditional teaching methods to an innovate and technological teaching method. The purpose of adapting technology in class is to teach and prepare students to develop 21st century skills. For example, flipped classroom is a new teaching method which makes use of digital learning tools.

         However, all teaching strategies have advantages and disadvantages when they are put into practice.  Technology "affordances" in education refer to the advantages when using digital tools to teach and learn different subjects. For that reason, teachers need to select the appropriate technological resources that help students to develop the 4 C's -Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Communication & Collaboration.  The use of technology in classrooms is more than having computers, smart-boars, iPads, tablets, etc. According to the article What Educational Technology Challenges Do Schools Face? , the main idea when using technology  is to "focus students' attention on learning from the device rather than on the device." Digital tools are helpful for students and teachers. For one side, teachers can make their topics more interesting, creative, real and interactive and ,for another side, students become familiar with technology while they learn academic content . For example, if educators are teaching math to elementary students, there are different programs, websites where students can continue working inside and outside the classroom, programs such as Starfall, ST Math, IXL, among others. Also, Google docs and Prezi are free software options to present lectures or another information to students.

         Technology "constraints" in education refer to the limitations, disadvantages and restrictions when using new technologies. According to 6 Technology Challenges Facing Education, some technology constraints include resistant to change from school's administration or teachers,  educators' lack of knowledge or preparation to use and understand digital tools, do not have enough devices for each student, do not have enough time to select appropriate digital learning programs, students lack of access to internet outside of the classroom, and high costs to protect devices from viruses and hackers.

          The use of technology in classroom has its advantages and disadvantages but the important point is that teachers need to try and find what works for them and their students to keep advancing instead of stay with the same teaching strategies.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How would you use the concept of flipped classrooms in your teaching?

                      How would you use the concept of flipped classrooms in your teaching?

             Flipped classroom is a different method to teach students. This type of teaching model is more common in higher academic institutions. However, its use may benefit all students from different grade levels. It works by providing students lectures and homework though videos before meeting instructors and students face-to-face in a classroom.
              In my opinion, students benefit from being in flipped classrooms because they can watch the same academic material (homework, lectures, books, articles, Apps,etc.)  as much as they want and need. Through the use of this model, students become familiar with a topic before the face-to-face class start which lets them to have a better understanding. Students also take more interest and responsibility in their own learning which helps them to be more confident, creative, enthusiastic and optimistic with their own abilities. During the class time, educators and students can focus in the application of the new learning activities, discussions, projects, among others, related with the videos.
              This method is an opportunity to convey academic content in a same form and reach each student, for example, visual, auditory, kinesthetic and global learners. According to the article, THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT... FLIPPED CLASSROOMS, captions in videos are helpful for those students with hearing difficulties, while the English Language Learners (ELLs) can watch the lectures as many times as they need to understand the meaning.
               As future educator, elementary teacher, I want to make use of digital learning resources to  teach my students and help myself to be updated with technology in order to learn and expand our 21st century skills. Therefore, I can do it in my flipped classroom. Depending on what grade I teach  I will select the appropriate and more beneficial  type of videos for my students. For example, if I teach to second graders and I want to keep students reading outside school I would use the SPEAKABOOS App ,which is an interactive digital library, and assign a book before class. Then in class all together could talk about it (groups discussion) and apply what they read writing sentences, answering questions about the characters, themes, problems and solutions of that specific story.

           Flipped classroom is a very interesting model that every teacher should consider to encourage students to learn (at their own speed)  inside and outside of the classroom.  

Sunday, May 8, 2016

What are some important best practices for technology in education?

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          Today the use of technology reaches, practically, everywhere, for example, supermarkets, libraries, hospitals, clinics, schools, banks, restaurants, among others. If it is true that the way of teaching in the classroom has been changing from a traditional teaching system to a more innovative and technological teaching system, the adoption of technology in schools it is not an easy or quick change to do.  Factors such as economic issues, and the little preparation and knowledge of some educators when integrating digital tools in their lesson plans have made complicated for some educational institutions to bring technology inside their classrooms. 

           However, traditional teaching systems (schools and teachers) need to use technology to help students to master digital skills (21st century skills). Current and future teachers are key to commit and engage students with the academic material. Therefore, they should take advantage of the wide variety of digital learning resources such as videos, discussion forums, e-books, video-games, social networks, among others, to reach all type of students in class, for example, visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic learners and global learners.Integrating those type of digital learning tools before mentioned in the lesson plans will make activities, assignments and homework more creative, interactive, real and practical for students.  

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           Educators as facilitators need to prepare students for future classes, jobs and careers through an education where students have more control and responsibility for their own learning. For that reason, some important technological practices in education should be to promote student learning making use of appropriate digital programs that support students' understanding about the content of any subject, create activities that allow the students practice digital skills while learning, and give to each student the opportunity to express and share their new learning in class. There are too many options of web tools for different devices like computers, i Pads, cellphones which make them more accessible for everyone.
            Nowadays, technology in education is essential to help students to develop and acquire skills which prepare them to success inside and outside of the classroom. Therefore, technology should be considered as a necessity and not as an option! 

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